
Marijuana Vs Medical Marijuana

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Medical marijuana has many beneficial effects due to natural healing factors but does medical marijuana serve to replace pharmaceuticals. Many of us were taught to believe that marijuana was bad but many of us did not care to see what does more harm the medications doctor prescribe or something natural such as marijuana. Medical marijuana has over 20 different flavonoids which are chemical components most common in plant life. Most of the flavonoids are said to have anti- inflammatory , antioxidants , anti-depressants factors that help prevent major diseases or relief temporary pain. Due to marijuana's bad reputations that holds in recreational user that abuse the drug not knowing that using marijuana could potentially leading to other …show more content…

What are the pharmaceuticals that it can replace and cause less side effects ? medical marijuana can help replace the common painkillers since some people die from overdosing on them . medical marijuana can also help people dealing with anxiety since marijuana has a chemical component that can be use as a relaxer , although sometimes it may increase a person's anxiety level it all depends of the person's preference. Since one of the many flavonoids contains a anti- depressant factor medical marijuana can also be used to treat those who are undergoing depression since it has less serious side effects that the current Zoloft medication that is given to patients . one painkiller in specific called Oxycontin can be harmful if overuse or if it falls in the wrong hands “ It also causes or contributes to thousands of accidental deaths every year. Over half of 78,000 deaths caused by illegal drugs in 2010 occurred due to the illegal abuse of painkillers like Oxycontin and Vicodin.” -Leopold . Even medical marijuana is less harmful than consuming …show more content…

”While it had been thought that there was a connection between marijuana smoking and increased risk of lung cancer, even those who are heavy marijuana users do not appear to be at greater risk for lung cancer” according to a 2013 study by Dr. Donald Tashkin, UCLA professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine. Medical marijuana could also weaken a person's immune system making them much more prone to infection and decrease their ability on fighting an infection. It can also reduce the sperm production in men and it can also affect a woman's menstrual cycle . Medical marijuana has some effects on both the mind and the body but compared to pharmaceuticals it is less common to harm the body as at time pharmaceuticals fall into the wrong hand and people often die of overdosing on their medications. So although medical marijuana has some benefits it also consists of some flaws like every other pharmaceutical out there ,but it also consist of many great factors that can help many people that have tried medications but they are just simply not working or have just not been successful. Overall it just depends on the person taking the medical marijuana and the conditions that they could be

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