
Market Analysis : Market Failure

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Market Failure Markets are the institutions where the exchange of goods and services among individuals collective agents occurs. The exchange of these goods and services utilizes money as the medium through which equivalence of worth and value is given to the goods and services (Keech and Munger 4). This leads to the formation of prices given for the goods and services. Additionally, markets may be categorized in accordance with the commodities and services traded in them where these categories entail financial markets, labor markets, and housing markets. Similarly, the scope under which these items are traded may provide another level of categorization where some may occur throughout a region, nationally or internationally (Pinotti 2). These may be coupled with categorization in terms of structure where various entities include competitive markets, oligopolistic markets, and monopolistic markets. Most importantly, markets gain interest based on various reasons where some include the core questions of social and political elements. However, questions emerge regarding the occurrence of market failures; the term “factors” is attributed to the various types of market failures. This paper will focus on answering these questions with in-depth emphasis on defining market failures as well as their various types (Keech and Munger 6). Additionally, it will help in determining how market failures pose a problem for the utilitarian defense of the economic theory of corporate social

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