
Market Reasoning

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are looked at in form of persons rather than just artificial entities. Therefore, giving them the power to possess rights and responsibilities. Companies are ought not to be treated as persons because they are solely created to fulfill the purpose of generating profits and indeed have no extra responsibilities to the society. To achieve democracy, corporation involvement in politics must be avoided. “Corporate responsibilities to the public are better addressed in the democratic process than inside corporate boardrooms.” (Reich, 668). Large corporations tend to influence political decisions due to the financial incentives given to politicians. If companies take part in the political system, governments are likely to change …show more content…

Market reasoning has been and continues to be applied to all aspects of life, slowly penetrating society without getting noticed (Moral limits of Markets, 05). Sandel suggests that free market capitalism has changed the world from a market system into a market society (Moral limits of Markets,10), where markets have put a price value on non-market areas. The upshot is that in today’s world, what couldn’t be bought in the market, now has a price to it and what are the limits of this? For example, money can now buy happiness. Happiness can now be viewed in terms of possessing material goods such as having expensive cars, living in a big house, better education and so much …show more content…

There are those goods and practices that cannot be bought according to Sandel even though there is fairness. For example, there are certain types of happiness cannot be bought such as a loveable family and true lifelong friends. Love is a natural feeling of affection that cannot have a price to it. Even though someone can buy friends, the feeling is not the same as the natural affection of love from a true friend. On the other hand, individuals perceive happiness in different ways. Some individuals view happiness in form of possessing material wealth and others do not. In conclusion, free market capitalism has created an opportunity for individuals in society and paved way for people to enjoy a lot of goods and services produced and sold through the market exchange. However, capitalism has created many negative consequences since it is mainly concerned with maximizing profits and minimizing costs. These negatives consequences in most cases eventually outweighed positive outcomes especially affecting democracy. For instance, equality of all people has been induced negatively leading to

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