
Market Sizing: Case Interviews

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1. Frameworks 2. Market –sizing 3. New Product Launch 4. Competitive Defense 5. Key Measures 6. Advertising 7. Interview Questions

Case questions have been popping up in marketing interviews for years. While there are many similarities between a consulting case interview and a case given in a marketing interview there are differences as well.

I always tell the consulting students to stay away from “cookie-cutter” frameworks like the 5Ps and 5Cs, but in marketing interviews you are …show more content…

To launch or not to launch – make a decision


Assess the threatening product • How similar is it to our product? o Does it do a better job meeting the customer’s needs? o What are its strengths and weaknesses? o What kind of market share can it expect? ▪ Curiosity – will it last? ▪ Will it cannibalize our sales or will it steal sales from another competitor instead?

What kind of resources does it have behind it? • Parent company – large or small o How committed is it to this division or product?

• Introduction strategy o Major marketing campaign o Incentive discounts ▪ 2 for 1 offer ▪ Low interest financing

Defense strategies
Defense strategies will differ depending on product or services offered. Below are a few well-tested ideas that you should think about to determine if they are appropriate for that particular case.
5 Ps • Pricing – can you adjust your price to maintain or even gain market share and profitability

• Product – can we upgrade our product or options offered? How long will it take and at what cost? Will it canalize existing products?

• Promotion – reinforce brand with advertising, promotions and PR • Place – increase exposure within current distribution channels as well as increase number of channels

• Packaging – can you improve

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