
Marketing Of The Apple Corporation Essay

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Apple, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of mobile communication, media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players (Forbes Media LLC, 2016). The Apple Corporation offers a wide variety products and services such as the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computer. The company was founded by Steven Paul Jobs, Ronald Gerald Wayne, and Stephen G. Wozniak on April 1, 1976 (Rawlinson, 2016). The original Apple computer was to be priced at a meager $666.66 for consumer purchase and $500.00 wholesale. In reality, not all business decisions belong the strategic circle; the strategic decisions are those which doing something ‘differently’ from competitors and that difference make a sustainable advantage (Mazar, Abba, & Ali Mahdi, 2015). Research of the Apple Corporation suggests that Broad Differentiation is used as a primary strategy. Apple makes itself stand out in market through this strategy. Broad Differentiation (Innovation) strategy focuses on enhancing product quality, performance and design (Sumer, 2012). Apple also uses the premium pricing strategy also known as ( Best Cost Provider Strategy) which targets the customers who develop a special kind of intimacy with the product that ultimately leads to the development of loyalty (Mazar, Abba, & Ali Mahdi, 2015). It is not just by price that Apple differentiates itself from the competitors but also world-class design philosophy, seamless connectivity and high satisfaction assuring user interface.

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