
Marketing Strategy Of A New Wine Brand Essay

Decent Essays

When introducing a new product or brand to the public a “big picture” must first be established to build a plan that provided step by step guidelines on the communication plan. Consideration of goals and budget is critical and a strategy built to accomplish goals while being prepared when problems arise. Ogden and Ogden (2014).
To ensure an effective marketing campaign an Integrated Marketing Strategy must be developed to communicate the brand and work collectively with various tactics to deliver a seamless message to consumers that stand out amongst competition. The objective is to make certain all elements of the marketing communication including, public relations, advertising, online communication, direct marketing, social media, and sales promotions are a collaboration of a unified campaign to effectively promote a product, rather than each tactic working independently, and would not have a maximize effectiveness. Csikósová (2014). This paper will outline an executive summary of a marketing strategy of a new wine brand to a targeted audience that will incorporate the buyers motivation, psychographics, and demographics. A description of the overall marketing strategy will include advertising, customer relationship manager and a Public Relations campaign. Finally, a an overall strategy to position the brand against the competition will be outlined.
Provide an Overview/Executive Summary of the marketing strategy The Executive Summary of the

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