
Marks And Spencer Training And Development

Good Essays

Any business in the world has a corporate objectives to make increasing growth and gain profitability by sustain and manage all factors internally and externally to make the business development ongoing process. (e.g. The external factors like competitors, customer, regulation requirements and applicable low, etc.
In internal factors, the organization seek controlling in internal influences of productivity and profitability for organization. What could the organization affect to reach its objectives? , like employee competencies, management style, product or service and the policies or procedures, etc.
Many organization concentrate on what is the customer needs? What dose kind of service customer looking for? , to maintain long relationships …show more content…

Training provides a series of planned learning experiences for individuals and builds their technical skills and business competencies. Training also helps to improve efficiency and can motivate employees to do well. This helps to make positive changes to the way in which they work and make decisions. Development helps individuals use the training to meet their individual needs and ambitions. By training and developing its staff well, Marks & Spencer is in a position to develop a competitive advantage over its competitors [3].
The contribution that employees can make to the brand image of the organization
Brand is a name, term, design, image, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those other sellers.[4].
When the customer service employee dealing with customers in repeated way the salesman will make an image for the organization. Packaging also is effected on brand, when customer service make a special treatment with their client, they build a brand. Eventually the employee competencies is a critical part to organization succeed.
Potential performance indicators that an organization could use to measure the level of customer

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