
Marriage: A Cover for the Reality Patriarchy

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To marry for money and not love is frowned upon as a social norm, but is also seen as an opportunity for women to rise in the social hierarchy. Though, love is to be the reason why bonds like marriage exist. Being a woman in the nineteenth century limits social advancement and makes it seem impossible without wealth, a background of family fortune, or matrimony to a man labeled high class. Emma Woodhouse, from the novel Emma written by Jane Austen, defines what it means to seek stature through marriage and how couples can aid in contexts such as social groups. Austen clearly covers social groups in her novel, but making the novels focal point circumvent around Emma. We look beyond how class enables opportunity for women and see just how …show more content…

Woman with money in the nineteenth century was not a common facet in such a society. Those without monetary value were looked down upon and concluded that the only way to be respected was through a matrimonial bond. Jane Fairfax is a kindhearted woman forced to believe marriage is the only option to avoid a life of servitude. Though everyone only had nice things to say of Ms. Fairfax she is still not financially stable enough to be considered into the class of the wealthy. Mr. Knightly would even comment that she must marry soon to avoid being a simple governess, but Jane does not want to believe outside of marriage her life would inevitably be like her relative; “Miss Bates stood in the very worst predicament in the world for having much of the public favour; and she had no intellectual superiority to make atonement to herself, or frighten those who might hate her, into outward respect...It was her own universal good-will and contented temper which worked such wonders”(Austen pg. 22). This character description of Miss Bates describes the outcome of failing to meet societal standards. A younger Miss Bates did not properly educate herself, obtain financial security independently, or receive monetary gain through marriage. Her

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