
Essay about Martha Stewart Ethics

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Martha Stewart: Lemons into Lemonade Before one can make an informed decision as to whether Martha Stewart's handled the incident responsibly or whether or not her actions were moral or immoral, one must first understand the basics of ethics and understand whose rights are involved and how they were affected. Then one must also examine who will be helped and who will be hurt by her actions and then make a decision based on the information and personal values as they relate to the issue. Martha Stewart was charged in 2001 with making false statements, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice during her sale of ImClone the day before the FDA announced its refusal to review a new cancer drug. This sale was scrutinized by authorities …show more content…

Step two asks were basic human rights violated. One must decide whose rights are to be respected. On both sides of the issue one will observe rights correlating to duties. One must clearly understand who has a duty, and to whom. Are the rights positive or negative? One must decide which are most important to them. The last step in making a moral decision is simply making the decision. How one arranges the issues and arrives at this decision depends on one's particular set of values and cultural perspectives, but regardless the values and cultural perspectives of the decision maker, the rights and duties remain the same for any situation. One must learn to look for and identify the appropriate deontological factors. Once these factors are identified, one may use his/her own values in order to determine which factors are the most important. By applying these unique values, one is able to develop the final decision. Now that we have a basic understanding of ethics and the moral decision making process, we can explore whether or not Martha Stewart's actions were immoral or not. Using a utilitarian approach for step one, it is important to look at the how the greater good was effected by her actions. Mrs. Stewart statements provided the greatest good to the majority of her customers and shareholders. She made a public statement on her web site that stated,
"Dear Friends: I am obviously distressed by the

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