
Martin Luther King Jr Influence

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Once said was, "Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs" (Pearl Strachan Hurd). This expresses how words can be very strong and could change everything. Many people can be enforced in all sorts of kinds of ways. Words said during the civil rights movement became very powerful taking a roll in different actions, such as calming, inspiring and provoking. The Civil Rights movement was a memorable time in history. Martin Luther King Jr. had a large contribution to the time. Later on after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, a leader needed to step forward so Robert Kennedy did. Both of them were able to strongly express how words can be very effective.
Martin Luther King Jr. an outstanding leader, contributed to inspiring people in his “I Have a Dream” speech. Affecting all around him by his words of wisdom. King touched the crowd in a way that inspired people in the direction of non-violent protest. Leading African Americans to be treated just as everyone else during this time. King told the people with feeling, “Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends”(“I Have” par. 15). The quote was meant to tell the African American people always have hope and never give up …show more content…

King provoked many people all around the world from his “Letter From Birmingham Jail”. The path of the article was written while King served time in jail; for protesting racial segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. The letter was well written explaining the steps of the African Americans plans to protest and when. King told in the letter that, “I am in birmingham because injustice is here”(“ Letter from” par. 3). This passage helped get a rise out of all sorts of different kinds of people, in a ways that stood out. After people read this it caused some people to be very dramatic in a mad way and others happy. Provoking is one of the main element used in the letter to make the story more interesting and try to prove his words are very

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