
Marxism : Marxism, Feminism And Functionalism

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Work is in all cultures and is the roots of the economy. Work comes in many different forms but the simple definition is the completion of duties that involves both mental and physical effort. These duties have outcomes such as the production of goods and products or meeting needs of the people they work for such as clients or service users. An occupation is work that is paid for. As well as getting paid for work there is also work that is unpaid this includes housework, being a stay at home mum or volunteer work.

In relation to work we can look at three theories :- Marxism, Feminism and Functionalism. Each considered the analysis of modern day work to be extremely important when looking at sociology and socialism.

Marxism derived from the sociologist Karl Marx’s theories about sociology, politics and economics. Marx looked at the capitalist society that was around him at the time and saw great exploitation. The workers in the factories were selling their labour for a measly wage yet the factory owners were keeping all the surplus value, the money left over once the costs of the materials and labour were met. He saw this as very unfair and thought that the surplus value rightfully belonged to the labourers. In this capitalist society the labourers were also feeling exploited which caused tensions in the workplace which was known as a class struggle. The notion of ‘social class’ is central to Marx’s theory and the class struggle was between the ownership class that was

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