
Effects Of Marxism On The Bourgeoisie

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Marxism is a clear-cut view of the French revolution. It gives a central role to the Bourgeoisie for being the main inspirators for its cause. This is due to the fact that it was widely believed to be them who stood to gain the most. Lefebvre was the main and most revered of all Marxist historians. His belief is that the year 1789 was the one in which the Bourgeoisie took power. They had been waiting for centuries in order to do this, according to Lefebvre, and when they had finally reached sufficient numbers and wealth they took the initiative. They owed most of their success to a shift of what was considered important in society. In medieval society, the landed Aristocracy had dominated. They owed much of their success and wealth to the land. This is not the case in the eighteenth century when the impetus changed and economic power, personal abilities and confidence became more desirable than land.1Although the Bourgeoisie was growing in vast numbers, the Nobility had one thing over on them, Social Status.

This leads on to the main crux of the Marxist argument, that there was a class struggle between the Nobles and the Bourgeois. The Nobility were being left far behind and the Bourgeois were steaming ahead, getting wealthier and more powerful by the day. The Bourgeois were growing richer through Commerce and Industry. Ships left for the Levant, Africa, and the Caribbean in droves. Coal and Iron production was going full steam ahead, along with cloth-making and Western

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