
Marxist And Conflict Theories Of Deviance Essay

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Marxist and Conflict Theories of Deviance The theorists discussed in this chapter surroung Marxist and conflict theories do not always agree on all the views of their theories, they come from the same social constructionist or relativist perspective. Social construction is referred to as a theory of knowledge in sociology and communications theory that examines the development of cooperatively constructed understandings of the world. There are two general ways in which theories differ from each other, the first is their definition of power. Marxists focus on the political economy and the capitalist system in their analyses of power and conflict, while the conflict theorists have customarily expanded their definitions of power beyond focus on the capitalist system. The second difference between the two is the policy implications that branch from the theories. Marxists tend to advocate for revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system as the only way to solve power differentials and conflict, while conflict theorists are more open to reforms that do not advocate revolution. Both theories are from the macro perspectives, meaning that they focus on structural issues, institutions, and group behaviors, not on individual behaviors or experiences. Much of the focus of these theories is on the creation and preservation of laws that benefit one group over the other. Marxist and conflict theories are interested in why and how some groups are defined as deviant and how their

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