
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Essay

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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Mary Shelley is an author who wrote the novel of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley herself in her life, experienced many deaths of close friends and family. When she was first born her mother died, furthermore Mary had a baby, who died 12 days later and her husband Percy Shelly drowned. Maybe it was these experiences, which led Mary Shelley to write such a novel of great horror published in 1818. Frankenstein itself is called 'the modern Prometheus'. Prometheus in Greek myth stole fire from Zeus and gives it to humanity but was then eternally punished by Zeus. In the Latin version Prometheus created man from clay and water. Victor Frankenstein is seen as a modern Prometheus …show more content…

When someone shows an act of kindness towards him, his whole countenance lights up. This is probably because all of his friends and family have died.

Walton fears for Frankenstein, as he says,

'Two days passed before he was able to speak and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding'. Even without knowing Frankenstein's full story Walton knows he has been through a lot and this makes the reader appreciate this. Walton sees Frankenstein as a companion equal in ambitions. Walton confides his dream with Frankensteien although he responds in dismay, as it was an ambition and a dream, which drove Frankenstein to near destruction.

On the way Walton saw a being of gigantic proportions. A question which comes into the readers mind is 'what was the human-like creature?

The reader feels involved and it as if we have been placed in the character of Walton and we want to know what the source of Frankenstein grief is.

As a young boy living in Geneva Frankenstein dreamed of discovering new things. He had all the facilities and money and one day wanted to banish disease from human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death. This is an admirable quality and the reader feels great interest on Frankenstein part. He can be seen as a heroic quester

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