
Mary Warren's Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Is having a good name better than the truth because in the crucible there are 3 characters that think it's better to have a good name then the truth. These 3 characters are Mary Warren, Abigail Williams, and Judge Hale thone all just want one thing to save their reputation. They thought having a good reputation is everything in the world, well it's not. Let's start with Mary Warren, she just cared about her reputation in the group of girls she would hang around with. She would protect her reputation by lying to the court to save Abigail's reputation, she didn't want the people from the village to find out the truth. Marry would faint in court when they would ask her about what happened in the forest,so she's asked to faint in front if the court to prove to everyone in the court it was all an act. She was just protecting her reputation with Abigail, because Abigail not only threatened her but the whole group of girls , not to say anything about what happened in the forest. Once Mary was threatened, her mindset was to fit in abigail's group. She changed from being a good girl at home to, accusing random people for Abigail. …show more content…

Her goals were to have the best reputation in her group of girls . She lied to the court also so many times, all for a good name in the town. She was so about her reputation that she wanted a married man so the girls could look at her a certain way that’s why she accuses elizabeth proctor. All the girls especially marry warren if they would say anything about the forest act they would be killed in the night, just so she could get her point across. She acted like the goddess of the town, she could accuse anyone without being questioned at all. She had all the power in the town which created a big reputation for

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