
Mary's Attitudes Towards Her Husband

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I believe that Mary genuinely adored her husband and was a loyal housewife who was betrayed by her beloved who wanted to divorce her. In the beginning of the story, the narrator substantiates Mary’s love for her husband by stating that she is six months pregnant and by describing how she happily awaits her husband to return home from work. She has no clue that he is unsatisfied, and has absolutely no reason to suspect that he is unhappy with their marriage. I mean, why should he be unhappy? She showers him with love, cooks for him, and serves him. Although she portrays the role of a perfect housewife, he still decides to leave her. This issue might appear to be common in our daily lives, but in 1953, it would have been extremely shameful to …show more content…

He betrayed her trust and hurt her feelings in the worst possible time. When she hears what he has to say, she is in shock and loses her mind at the moment. “She did everything without thinking.” When she comes back with the leg of lamb she tried to act as if everything was normal and she would make supper for her husband. But as soon as he said, “I've already told you, don't make supper for me. I'm going out.” Her anger and pain took over her mind and she reacted with hitting the back of his head as hard as she possibly could with the leg of lamb. I don’t believe that she was insane, or that we underestimated her to be humble and respectful. I suppose that in the moment she expressed all her frustrations and anger which is something she would not do if she was not put in a situation like this. I am pretty sure that if Mary questioned herself that day if she is capable of murdering her husband, even if he did something shocking that would hurt her, she would have answered with no. Yet, there is more to the story of how Mary covered up her tracks with her genius thinking, and how she got away with the crime. Mary definitely surprised me with her idea of feeding the weapon to the

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