
Masculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity

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Masculinity At its Manliest In both Douglas Schrock and Michael Schwalbe’s Men, Masculinity, and Manhood Acts and Sharon Bird’s Welcome to the Mens’s Club, we see compelling arguments for the treatments on the categories of “masculinity.” By comparing both articles, the significant similarities and differences between the two variations can be identified. In doing so, the function of “masculinity” in society, according to each author, can also be seen. Using the “masculine” Kristoff in Disney’s film Frozen, these categories may be challenged to show which author might have the better approach. As far as definitions of masculinity from both authors, a significant similarity can be seen. For Schrock and Schwalbe, masculinity is seen as “form of collective male practice that has as its effect the subordination of women.” In other words, masculinity has a direct correlation to power dominance over women. In Bird’s article she also states that hegemonic masculinity maintains “practices that institutionalize men’s dominance over women.” Therefore, these articles are in agreement with each other when speaking on the definition of masculinity. However, a significant difference can be seen in each author’s treatment in the category of “masculinity.” Bird’s article breaks masculinity into three components that include emotional detachment, competitiveness, and sexual objectification of women. These three

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