
Masculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity Essay

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The following phrase are a string of words that no heterosexual man wants to hear, “You’re acting like a girl!” To a straight or heterosexual man those words would be a shot to his manhood. To most men and boys in western society, masculinity is what separate the men from the women and the boys from the girls. However, what is masculinity and why do most men and boys’ try so hard to guard theirs? My understanding of masculinity, and as technically defined, is having customary qualities attributed to or usually applicable to a male. My position is that society encourages hegemonic masculinity thus forming basis for males to exhibit traditional masculine qualities to fit in, most women prefer men with these traditional masculine characteristics or qualities, and men try to assert their masculinity so they are not considered feminine. In the next few paragraphs, I will to take you on a journey on why masculinity is important to the communication of gender identity from a heterosexual point of view.
To understand the masculinity you must know of its etymology. As explains it, the term masculinity or more specifically “masculine” an adjective originated from the mid-14th century defined as “belonging to the male grammatical gender.” In the late 14th century meaning "of men, male," from Old French term masculin "of the male sex" (12th century), from Latin masculinus "male, of masculine gender," from masculus "male, masculine; worthy of a man," diminutive of

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