
Masculinity : Masculinity And Violence Essay

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Masculinity and violence

Violence is a mechanism of coercive control that is used to maintain and reinforce gender difference and hierarchy. Building on Lynch 's (2009) claim that hegemonic masculinity is "toxic to both the men and women left in its wake" this essay aims to explore the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and violence. Placing a specific focus on acts of intimate partner violence and mass shootings, and exploring the works of Lynch (2009), Keith (2011), Baugher, & Gazmararian (2015), Kimmel, Hearn, & Connell (2004), Reidy, Berke, Gentile, & Zeichner (2014) and, Katz, Young, Earp, & Jhally (1999 & 2013), this essay seeks to argue that the strict regulation of masculinity as well as a history of encouraging male violence in our society has created a dangerous and hostile climate for both men and women to exist in.
Masculinity is a social construct based on a hierarchical system of gendered difference and dominance. It is used to assume a primal and essential difference between male bodies and female bodies, through a binary organisational system that assigns physical, emotional, and behavioural characteristics to people according to what is regarded as masculine and feminine. The construct of gender plays a significant role in our lives, shaping our identities and experiences of the world. Gender assignment is one of the first ways we become socialised in the world, leading us to present ourselves in specific ways and perform our respective genders

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