
Mass Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants

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Mass Deportation of Illegal Mexican Immigrants Cannot Solve America’s Immigration Problems. Immigration and deportation reformation has been one of the hot topics in the 2016 election. Many have chosen which candidate to vote for based on their point of view on immigration and deportation matters. Some supported Donald Trump because he promised to deport all illegal immigrants if he becomes president while others supported Hillary Clinton because she was against mass deportation. In most cases, mass deportation threat has been focused on illegal Mexican immigrants; being the largest group of illegal immigrants and the proximity of Mexico to the U.S. They have been labelled as criminals, rapists, and drug dealers and some have suggested that they should all the deported first. In a population of about 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and a population of over 6 million Mexicans, it is evident that a mass deportation scheme will affect them most. However, it can also be proven that illegal Mexican immigrants contribute to the economy more than any other illegal immigrants. Providing a pathway to citizenship for law abiding illegal Mexican immigrants and deporting only treacherous ones will not only improve the U.S.’s international relationship, it will also help keep families together and keep hardworking immigrants who contribute to the country’s economy. In the wake of the election, Mexicans both home and in the U.S., fear the what happens next. According to

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