
Mass Incarceration Analysis

Decent Essays

Criminality in our country is often assigned to you at birth determined by trivial categories such as race, class, gender, immigration status, religion, and the list can continue forever. Life outcomes can be predetermined when taking all of these identities into account, making someone more susceptible to the reach of the mass incarceration system. However, I will be focusing on undocumented immigrants and how being seen as “illegal” is part of their daily lived experiences and how there are very strong parallels between the immigration detention centers and prisons in the United States. Undocumented people experience similar forms of social and political disenfranchisement that people affected by the criminal justice system also have to …show more content…

society. Undocumented adults, on the other hand, have mostly remained in the shadows,” (Abrego 338). This has a lot to do with who has legal protection at sites such as schools that give undocumented youth an extra cushion to feel protected to the extent that they realistically can. Adults are targeted much more frequently with scenarios such as ICE raids that polarize people into deserving and least deserving. This is where narratives such as the good immigrant vs. the bad immigrant can be introduced where this country places greater value in youth and education rather than viewing this as a humanity issue that should protect every single person regardless of age, occupation, criminal record, etc. However, Abrego discusses that these protections will not always be there once youth transition out of educational institutions where they will then be targeted by policies that can detain them for crimes as small as driving without a license. I can connect this to the prison industrial complex and how people who are targets of this system can be incarcerated for minute actions such as sleeping on the street, fighting in schools, and loitering. Racial profiling affects both of these communities violently, putting more Black and brown bodies into these facilities that are created to disenfranchise you politically and control you …show more content…

They affect the way they are able to interact with their environments and communities to the point of social isolation. Social control is a prevalent force that puts people in detention centers, makes them politically disenfranchised, and polices them in all aspects of their lives to make them believe that they are their immigration status and nothing else. These institutions are meant to demoralize these people to make them complacent with their situation so they no longer feel like they have a voice to resist. However, we can learn from organizers such as Alejandra Pablos, The Dream 9, and prison abolitionist who are reclaiming their right to make claims on behalf of themselves and their

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