
Mass Shootings

Satisfactory Essays

1. Blum, D., & Jaworski, C. G. (2016). From suicide and strain to mass murder. Society, 53(4), 408-413. Retrieved from ProQuest database. This article analyzes three cases of mass shootings that took place within the United States, their most recent example being the mass shooting that took place at the University of California in Santa Barbara. Within each case, the study interestingly noted that the media often highlighted "individual aspects" of the shooter, such as internal struggles with mental health and histories of harassment by peers. Blum and Jaworski found that the media does not often include social factors, such as types of strain suffered by the shooters nor the fact that many were isolated from social interaction and connection …show more content…

There are many factors that come into play as far as the shooter goes. For example, their self esteem, depression, or suicidal thoughts may have a negative impact on their mental health. However, there is no set expectations of how a shooter should act. This is what makes it difficult to spot a potential shooter. While this is true, there is a correlation between social media and school shooters. Children who said they were going to shoot people online where often prepared to follow through. For the children that said it in person, it was often an impulsive threat. The article suggests that claiming "mental illness" is a distraction to the public. It says that the best way for schools to stay safe is to keep close communication. The article says that if anyone suspects a potential school shooter, they should report them to the National Alliance for Mental Illness immediately. Overall, this article will help with our research by providing data of how communication is an important factor in detecting a school …show more content…

They stated that looking back at the case similarities and "anecdotal reports" have shown patterns that have given clues to getting to know more on the individual and school factors for the crisis. Although the article states that the low prevalence of severe school violence and shootings makes it difficult to assess through surveys and observational methods, it goes on to present typical risk factors in troubled students, patterns found in the shooting at Columbine High School, and other findings. Through studying the patterns and different factors that come into play with school shootings, they have begun to make “sense of the senseless” and as a result they have made six prevention strategies. The prevention strategies are as listed: "(a) strengthening school attachment, (b) reducing social aggression, (c) breaking down codes of silence, (d) establishing screening and intervention protocols for troubled youth and rejected students, (e) bolstering human and physical security, and (6) increasing communication within educational facilities and between educational facilities and local

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