
Massive Expansion Of The River Mouth Delta

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At the coast, scientists observed a massive expansion of the river mouth delta during the second year of dam removal. At that time, wave-breaking zone of the river mouth was moved over 200 m toward the offshore direction. During the second year of dam removal, detailed coastal surveys said that this expansion deposited about 2.2 million cubic meter (about 3.3 million tons) of sediment. Although most of the sediment was gravel and sand, a broad patch of mud was covered the seafloor from 0–2 km west of the river mouth. Researchers observed a secondary region of sand deposition in the place in 0–5 m water depths from about 1.5 km east of the river mouth. The sediment was 1–2 m thick, and it came from eastward transport of sediment which was deposited initially offshore of the river mouth (Warrick, 2015). …show more content…

Geological Survey, the sediment trapped behind the dams has washed downstream, rebuilding riverbanks and gravel bars and, in and around the river's mouth, creating some 70 acres of new beach and riverside estuary habitat for Dungeness crabs, sand lance, surf smelt, clams, and other species between 2011 and 2014. Steelhead and Coho salmon transplanted above the dam site spawned in the river's tributaries, and juvenile Coho were spotted. In the summer of 2012, Chinook salmon began migrating up the river, and by the following fall, they too had spawned in tributaries and in the Elwha mainstream. The population of salmon has begun to recover. It seems that the effects are positive (Nijhuis,

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