
Master Narrative Stereotypes

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Everyone tries to define someone with the label, and this happens in both individual levels and societal levels forming master narrative that explains who they are. However, this master narrative becomes blindfold in explaining others, and can either positively or negatively affect individuals depending on what the master narrative is.
Relationship between Stereotypes and Master Narrative
Individuals are bound by the community and culture that they are involved in, and many cases people tries to define them as a group, and idea of stereotypes, defined as “… fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing” (Stereotype [Def. 1], n.d.) begins to form. However when these stereotypes are held among the larger population, …show more content…

However, While some part of Asians being racist can be true depending on individuals, there are various racisms aimed towards Asians in the American society that are undermined. For example, making racial stereotyping behavior to Asians are considered jokes (such as concept of Asians can’t drive), but if same concepts would have been applied, it would have created greater public outcries. Also, there Asians were the only ethnic groups that were banned (as whole continent, unlike the Europeans who were “limited” in terms of amount of immigration) from the immigration in United States under the Immigration Act of 1924 (The Immigration Act of 1924, n.d.). While Asians are considered racist, we have not only experienced in the past, but are still experiencing different treatment in comparison to the different ethnicity. Therefore instead of labeling Asians as racist of all, we need to create public awareness and education that could help make everyone to understand each other, and create a setting where instead of criticizing one race for something, aim to resolve problem racism as a whole, not only towards certain ethnic …show more content…

But at the same time, I have to get out of my comfort zone, and show others surrounding me that the problems exist, and show them in the proper behavior. For example, if I have label of typical Asian drivers on other’s mind, it wouldn’t help reducing master narrative if I drove my car like drunk, and clueless drivers. Therefore I have to behave in the manner that portrays what I believe in.
Master narratives can be created from the stereotypes that are surrounding the groups, and when the stories are combined, this can create master narratives that can be both harmful and beneficial. But when there are harmful master narratives, we need resist harmful master narratives by presenting logical reasoning that can be supported by the evidences and making public awareness, at the same time be cautious in showing your belief by the expression without acting against your words.

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