
Mayan Astronomy Essay

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Before advanced technology, the Mayan observed the “Seven Stars” Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn using positional and horizon astronomy just like the Greeks and Mesopotamians before them. Although the Mayans observations were made with the naked eye they still had many interpretations associated with the sun and moon. They also independently discovered octa eteris, a mesh between eight solar years with five Venus cycles of 584 days and 99 lunar months. Mayan warfare was also scheduled to get the most astrological benefits. To the Mayan astronomy was a sacred activity.

One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today’s society is the invention of the cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of Alexander …show more content…

This nebula is about 1/3 of a light-year thick, and five light-years across. Most nebulae are shaped are more sphere shaped and most commonly a butterfly shape. Abella 39 is one extremely rare cases in which the geometry is much simpler. This star, unlike its usual common shape is in the form of a cat eye. This star is off center in the constellation about one tenth of a light-year.

Hercules is one of the largest constellations but doesn’t have many brightly lit stars which makes is hard to see in cities. This constellation is better viewed with the naked eye because of how dull its stars are. Hercules is located in the southern hemisphere. Hercules contains a cluster of over 500,000 stars called the M-13 cluster. In mythology Hercules was believed to kill the Dragon, the guardian of the garden of Hesperides.

In the winter me and my family like to take a short trip to Jupiter because of its nice, hot weather. The vacation is always fun, but we try to stay away from the big red spot. It’s always stormy there!! It’s only 5 planets away from the sun so my tan comes out very nicely and i show it off when i get back to Earth. We always drive to the moons too, they're smaller and not as hot so i don't sunburnt and we like to explore each community. It’s a great time every

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