
Mcdonald 's Brand Of The Fast Food Market Essay

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In spite of McDonald 's known as a leading company in the fast food market, it faces the issues from the perspective of consumers. The consumers ' perception of the brand has the negative impact on the company. Some are related to the company itself but some are based on the characteristics of fast food industry. In general the public perceives McDonald 's brand in a negative manner (Morrison, 2012). This includes the factor of obesity, animal cruelty, social media impact, and manipulative character of selling especially towards children.
Porter (1985) suggests that clearer picture can be obtained through internal environment analysis using Value Chain Analysis involving corporate branding, human resource management, technological aspect, procurement of raw materials, inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service standards which reflect company 's advantages and disadvantages.

3.1 Corporate branding

The main strengths of the company are seen through a leadership, global coverage, band value, intellectual property and the politics of franchising. On the other side the weaknesses are presented by many negative court cases mostly in relation to obesity and animal cruelty (BBC, 2002).

3.2 Inbound logistic

The major strength of the company is perceived through its just-in-timed delivery and supply chain. The main goal is the speed with an effective inventory control (McDonald 's 2012).

3.3 Outbound logistic

This is based on an effective distribution

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