
Media And Ethnic Identity Influencing Self Image

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Mass media plays a very huge role in the way in which young black women and adolescents see themselves. The articles within this paper gives into not only how Black women under the age of 40 are affected by mass media, stereotypes perpetrated on how others see and treat young black women, and also how black women look at themselves. This research paper examines the ethnic media and the ethnic identity determining self-image than mainstream media does for young black women. Its seeks ways in which the black community declines stereotypes of color and beauty by increasing the groups of members and providing standards of what it means to be black and beautiful in this world. Much research has been made on the role of how media plays in …show more content…

123). Stereotypically Michelle Obama doesn’t fit some of the the beautiful trait but is considered beautiful within the young black women community. On this inclusion Michelle as an example of black beauty could be that black women and adolescent do not match beauty only on a physical level. Michelle Obama is generally seen as a positive role model in the young black community. She acknowledged has having integrity of her character. The ideal standards of Black beauty were suspended to include Michelle Obama responding to dismissing her beauty due to the fact that she doesn’t the ideal image. Another explanation for this behavior is that this negative portrayal of Black identity caused the Black community to express group loyalty by asserting a stronger group membership (Ellemers, Spears, Doosje, 2002, p.178). During the adolescence, young black girls are developing a racial identity and learning society ideal of beauty is (Duke, 2002, p. 219). These same women, usually in adolescence, are most are risk of developing body image disturbance that may lead to eat disorders such as anorexia and bulimia (Schooler et al., 2004, p. 39). During this stage in their lives, many of them would rather be seen as a teen girl rather than a Black teen (Duke, 2002, p.219). As a women tend to have a different body type than White ideal, which is usually unachievable by many Black women. Even when viewing

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