
Media Effects On Body Image Research Paper

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All we see on tv or social media anymore are girls with a full face of makeup on and a size zero waist. Or we see every guy with washboard abs and giant biceps that could crush a skull. These are the only type of people that we see in the media today. These people are what the media says we should look like and they are forcing this “perfect” body onto everyone in America. Only when teenagers with impressionable minds see this body that they “need” to have, they are forced to believe they must have those bodies. The media is slowly destroying our image of beauty, causing the younger generation to become obsessed with having the perfect body and going through both physical and psychological changes. The media is projecting false beauty ideals …show more content…

According to this Dove commercial in 2007, the media is deceiving us into thinking that the models that they put on their covers are cover ready and just like everyone else. This video is a 60-second video that shows the process of making a magazine cover become reality. At first, you have the model getting her hair and makeup done, which is to be expected, but then they go into photoshop and basically turn her into a different, “prettier” woman (The Evolution). Everyone says that we should be ourselves and to be ok with our bodies, but the media is telling us that there is only one type of body that is acceptable. This video shows us that not even the movie stars in Hollywood are good enough to be on the front of a magazine cover. Also, according to Yasmin Alibihai-Brown, the media is getting out of control with their definition of beauty in today’s society. “Advances in technology have caused normal concerns about how we look to become …show more content…

According to The Washington Times, teenagers are making dangerous decisions to their bodies in order to become “perfect”. “Each year, thousands of them go through with the procedures. Nearly 77,000 teenagers underwent elective plastic surgery last year, accounting for 5 percent of all cosmetic procedures performed in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)” (Teens). So many teenagers are not ok with their bodies that they are fine with going under a knife to achieve these beauty ideals. Accidents and complications are always possible when undergoing a surgery and these teenagers are putting their lives at risk instead of being ok with their already beautiful bodies. This is all because of how the media is telling us how we should look. Barbara Wexler describes in her article that more and more teenagers are obtaining eating disorders. “A 2009 survey of high school students found that 14.5% of teenaged girls and 6.9% of teenaged boys said they had not eaten for 24 or more hours and 6.3% of teenaged girls and 3.8% of teenaged boys reported other behaviors that may be symptoms of eating disorders, such as taking laxatives to lose weight or keep from gaining weight” (Wexler). Eating disorders like Bulimia are very dangerous for our bodies because the bile in our stomach destroys our esophagus when they throw up to lose weight.

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