
Media Influence On Women And Girls

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Media Influence on Women and Girls Every day we are exposed to some type of media. Whether you know it or not, the media that you view each day affects you in some way. This is especially true for women and girls. The media puts a huge emphasis on how women are supposed to look to be considered beautiful, liked, and successful. All around the world women and girls look in the mirror and think that they are not thin or pretty enough to be accepted by the world. Would you want your sister, niece, best friend, or even your mother to think of themselves in that way? The media puts way too much emphasis on looks, and it needs to stop. In the media, women are constantly made to look almost perfect. There are never any blemishes, wrinkles, cellulite, and the women always look extremely thin. No wonder women of all ages might have some type of body image issue, including eating disorders. A study showed that almost half of girls ages six to eight want to be skinnier. These girls are too young to be worrying about if their body and how it looks. When girls this young are already having body image issues, it is obvious that this is getting to be a major problem. Extreme photoshopping on magazines contributes greatly to the negative body image that women and girls have. Kelly Clarkson is an example of a woman who was used as a photoshop tool. Days before she came out on the cover if SELF magazine, she appeared on Good Morning America. When the magazine came out, people were shocked

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