
Media Influence Over Body Image Essay

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The media has had an increasingly destructive effect on young people who are becoming worryingly obsessed with their body image. The media is saturated in sexual imagery in which young people have to face every day. The sheer volume of sexual imagery in the media today has resulted in the vast majority of young people to become hooked on looking as near to perfection everyday by using the latest products and buying the latest fashions. This used to be enough but lately the next step to achieving perfection is cosmetic surgery. Everyone wants to look attractive, especially teenagers who are not only put under massive strain to succeed but to look beautiful and climb the ranks of the social ladder, and it seems that the only way to achieve …show more content…

Robin Gerber, author and motivational speaker believes that women “disappear in reverse-revamping and revealing their bodies to meet externally imposed visions of female beauty.” Women are always seen to be determined to achieve the unrealistic “Top Model” body while men are let off the hook with 50% of men happy with their bodies. In a recent survey conducted by BBC radio 1 Newsbeat it was said that 70% of men voted that a curvier body most attractive, which makes you think that if this is what men think, why are we women putting ourselves under such pressure and pain to make ourselves more appealing to the opposite sex as to achieve this look more than 50% of women are opting for cosmetic surgery. The most desired surgeries are breast enlargement, liposuction and Botox. It is a women’s prerogative to search for the best deal. This is leading them all over the world to find their preferred surgery for less. However, their desire for the best deal can often have severe consequences. One case of plastic surgery going wrong is the young girl from London who travelled to Philadelphia with friends to receive silicone injections in her buttock. As it wasn’t a medical procedure the wrong silicon was used and injected straight into a vein which lead to a severe heart attack and death. Many people opt for this procedure because they want fuller figures like J. Lo. and Beyonce. Cosmetic surgery is widely accepted in society with many

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