
Media’s Role In Body Images Essay

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Media’s Role In Body Images

Authors can effectively get their point across by using different rhetorical techniques. In the two articles that I will examine, the authors mainly used a pathos appeal. Authors use pathos to get a social and emotional application across to the reader. Another rhetorical technique that is used by many authors is ethos. Ethos is a technique that can be used by an author saying that since they are perhaps a doctor or may have belonged to a certain organization for a long time, then they know more about a topic than somebody who may not have had the same moral values or interests. Logos, or the logic that the reader may conclude from the author, is an additional rhetorical technique that is …show more content…

When females realize they will not be able to accomplish the same body that the famous acquire, they come very self-conscious and some even develop eating disorders. The media’s role in self-images has greatly affected the way people preserve themselves in today’s society.

In David Butler’s Slim Pickings, he mostly uses pathos to get his point across to the reader. His website consists of a short statement that contains his thoughts and feelings about Calista Flockhart, an actress that is highly criticized for an unhealthy body image. After his statement, the author poses a questionnaire to the reader to answer about whether or not actresses perpetuate unhealthy body images? The reader has the chance to answer yes, no, or not sure. After answering the question they can write their own statement regarding how they feel about this issue. Along the side of the author’s statement and his question are the results of his poll to date. Below the question lies the statements different people gave regarding the question. The best way to get an issue across to the public is to allow them to read what their peers believe. Having the author ask his question allows this website to have the reader be interactive with this issue. When I had checked this web page, twenty different

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