
Medical Detox Research Paper

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Medical Detox Orangetown NY

What is alcohol/drug detox?

Alcohol and drug detox is a manner of ridding the body of alcohol and, or drugs, along with the toxins accumulated thereof.

What is medical detox?

Medical detox is a specific type of detox therapy that, under medical supervision, is used to gradually decrease the level of the addicted substance from the body in order to make the detox and withdrawal process bearable and less dangerous for the patient. Drug treatment centers are able to provide medical detox services to their patients through highly trained, certified medical professionals. Medical detox can work in two ways: either the abused drug is used to taper the effects of detox, or a replacement drug is used instead of the offending …show more content…

Those that promote these methods are reckless in their suggestion that the detoxification process is one that can readily be achieved. Every person is different, especially in terms of their own health conditions and the stage of their addiction. It is impossible to know how any one person may react to detox and withdrawal. Detoxing can be extremely severe and may become life-threatening very quickly. This is why the process of detoxing from any substance should be done only with medical supervision.

Types of detox processes:

Medicated detox – Symptoms of withdrawal are managed through medication therapy.

Medical detox – Drugs are administered by medical personnel to slowly rid drugs from the system and manage withdrawal.

Inpatient – The detox and withdrawal process is supervised and monitored by medical staff in a drug treatment center.

Outpatient - Outpatient detox can prescribe replacement drug therapy by administering drug replacements in decreasing amounts to prolong the detox process. Medications also may be used to inhibit drug use. An example of this is Antabuse which causes nausea and vomiting if alcohol is consumed while taking this medication. Replacement drug therapy is also used with drugs such as methadone and suboxone for heroin or other opiate drug detox.

Detox and withdrawal symptoms by drug …show more content…

#1 – The detox process is highly strenuous on the mental state of the addict and on the physical body and central nervous system. These un-tolled repercussions during the actual process become so intense that, without medically-based treatment, the probability of a person enduring the complete course is lowered. It simply becomes easier to use and alleviate the pain and discomfort. #2 – Without post-detox mental and emotional counseling and therapy, patients are not equipped to meet recovery head-on. These therapeutic interventions are essential in preparing the patient for what they can expect after treatment, how to manage stressors and triggers, relapse prevention techniques, recognizing that withdrawal symptoms can last for a prolonged period after the initial withdrawal, and may not understand what is happening to

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