
Meditations On First Philosophy By Rene Descartes Essay

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Préciso of Meditations on First Philosophy
Through his series of books, Meditations on First Philosophy, René Descartes enlightens his philosophical ideas about knowledge in which we should discard all belief we aren’t absolute certain about and establishes what we know for sure. In the introduction he clarifying the main ideas of each of the 6 books and using to them build up to his belief.
Starting with the First Meditations, he discusses about doubt. He believed that there are no real foundations for sciences that we have learned up until now and for that is a reason for us to doubt.
In his Second Meditations he response to his first main point of doubt and links it to our mind and body. Our body and mind cannot truly be one. He mentions the possibility of an afterlife. When we die our body starts to decay and disappears, but does not display mind does not. How do we know the afterlife exists through? Descartes claims two reasoning needs to come true. The first is the existence of god. We need to know that absolutely everything is created by god and everything cannot crease to exists unless they are reduced to nothing by god. The other reasoning involves our bodies. We have to perceive our bodies a substance, so they can never really depart.
In this book he also explains how our mind can be easily deceived by gives an example of wax. In different circumstances the wax can have a different shape or a different sense. (the way the wax feels or smells, etc.). There is no

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