
Megatronus: A Short Story

Decent Essays

“Orion, you’ve been here for days, come with me, take a break. maybe we can get some drinks, you know as well as any it’s not healthy for you to work this much” the gladiator says, leaning on a computer console next to the archivist, nonchalantly gesturing with a hand “who knows, maybe you’ll even have some actual fun, other than poring through these antiquated records” this makes the other scoff “You know just as well as anyone that this ‘poring through antiquated records’ is important, Megatronus. for if no one is there to learn what happened in the past, who is to say that it will not just repeat itself?” he says, continuing his work, largely trying (and failing) to ignore his friend, a small smile just hinting on his face as he thought …show more content…

certainly not when there is so much work to be done! furthermore, i refuse to walk into a BAR //BLUSHING//” “oh~?” Megatronus says, grinning again as he tapped his finger between Orions optics “i thought you didnt care about your appearance to others~” Orion stuttered, swatting at Megatronus’s hand, his blush only growing deeper, that in turn making him stutter more, finally just giving up and stamping a foot “oh after talking with you i would think that i would //NEED// a drink!” this made the other laugh, seeing the look of utter outrage and, dare he say it, scandal on his friends face at that the incredulous look dropped nearly immediately turning into a pout, the archivist crossing his arms and huffing “honestly, Megatronus, to think that someone as you being so.. so //immature// about something so menial as this. i would have thought better of you than that.” he says, still pouting, though at this point mostly putting on a show to save face and maybe, //just maybe// be able to talk himself out of having to go to a bar and maybe even get back to

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