
Mental Disorders: Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic (long-term) mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, much like other mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. About 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia sometimes seem as if they have lost contact with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms have the potential to be very debilitating.
Schizophrenia is a disease most often amongst older teenagers and adults. Children rarely have schizophrenia, but it is not impossible. There are three categories of symptoms of schizophrenia: positive, negative, and cognitive. Positive symptoms refer to psychotic behaviors not generally seen in healthy people. These …show more content…

Environmental risk factors include exposure to viruses, malnutrition before birth, problems during birth, and psychosocial factors. As for different brain chemistry, scientists think that an imbalance in the chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters (substances that brain cells use to communicate with each other) dopamine and glutamate, and possibly others, plays a significant role in schizophrenia. Additionally, substance abuse can be a risk factor of schizophrenia. Some experts also believe problems during brain development before birth may lead to such chemical imbalances. The brain also undergoes major changes during puberty, and these changes could trigger psychotic symptoms in people who are vulnerable due to genetics or brain differences. Other illnesses can also be risk factors of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia commonly have other illnesses such as, but not limited to, OCD, PTSD, substance abuse, and major depressive …show more content…

Antipsychotics are a type of treatment. They’re taken daily as a pill or a liquid. However, they can also sometimes come in the form of an injection that you have twice a month. Some patients may experience side effects, however these usually go away after a matter of a few days. The medication and the dosage depend on the patient as everyone is different. Patients can work with their doctors to find the correct medication and dosage which is perfect for them. Another type of treatment is psychosocial treatment. These treatments are helpful after patients and their doctor find a medication that works. After finding the perfect medication and dosage with the doctor, psychosocial treatment teaches and aids patients to address the everyday challenges they may face with schizophrenia. This helps people to pursue their life goals and eventually be treated by following a normal routine, such as attending school or work. Patients who participate in regular psychosocial treatment have a smaller chance of having relapses or being hospitalized. Lastly, there is coordinated specialty care. This type of treatment combines medication, psychosocial therapy, case management, family involvement, and supported education and employment services, which are all aimed at reducing symptoms and improving quality of life

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