
Mental Health And Mental Health

Decent Essays

In the book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on college campuses, authors Arum and Roska (2011) discuss how college is “academically adrift,” denoting how minor academic learning is in comparison to other facets and how academia is failing its students (p. 30). One point the authors emphasize is that it is academic learning is more crucial for students to show the value in their collegiate experience (p. 30). This is in contrast with how universities focus on utilizing student engagement for retention purposes, which the authors believe is not as pivotal (p. 31). This means that to measure the success of college, we should not mention retention but what students learn. While the authors make an interesting case, this view does not focus on students holistically. Indeed, students go to college to learn, but students are more than their academics. When students are seen as only learners and measured by that, I believe this affects their mental health negatively. It causes them to only focus on their academic achievements and how much they learned, instead of focusing on themselves and their sanity. When a student’s mental health is not at his or her best, they cannot properly learn. For this reason, my paper will focus on students advocating for their mental health as an important skill a college graduate should have, with the main basis coming from my own personal experience. Additionally, this paper will discuss how changing certain policies and practice areas can help

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