
Mesopotamia Vs. Egypt Mesopotamia

Decent Essays

Marley Buckley
C Block History
Mr. Kelly
Mesopotamia vs. Egypt
Mesopotamia and Egypt were very different because of their geography and world view. Mesopotamia was often flooded because of their bad geography, but the land around the Nile river was built well so the Egyptians didn 't have to worry about the river flooding as often. The land in Mesopotamia was often attacked and invaded. Ultimately the geography of Egypt was significantly better than Mesopotamia because of the benefits of the nile river created a positive world view, a strong government and a universal religion.
Mesopotamia’s land required more work than Egypt 's because of their unscheduled flooding. The land in Mesopotamia was fertile, but was very harsh due to the amount of excess water coming off the two rivers. The people in Mesopotamia had a bad world view because they were constantly working and fixing the land and it would get ruined again after the flooding because it was constant. The Epic of Gilgamesh connects to the flooding of the river because his writings showed how the Mesopotamians were under the mercy of the gods. It also described how the Mesopotamians had to keep fixing their land after the unscheduled flooding. The people of Mesopotamia also had bad world because of the overload of water that caused them to have a surplus of food. The Nile allowed the Egyptians to work their crops instead of worrying about the river, unlike the people in Mesopotamia. Due to the flooding of the

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