
Michael Shermer's Why People Believe Weird Things

Decent Essays

In Why People Believe Weird Things, Michael Shermer’s ultimate goal is to explain, in great detail, to his readers his opinion of certain topics. The book is a collection of sections about different subjects that are controversial in the minds of many people today, and in the past. In each section, Shermer presents the arguments of the believers, and presents his own opposing view. Along with just his own opinions and support, he also includes the facts and opinions of many other well known opposers as well. While he may be aiming to disprove a certain subject, Shermer does so with delicacy, and remains civil for most of his arguments. The topics of the arguments range from alien abductions and ghosts to the very delicate topics of the Holocaust and religion. Along with trying to explain to his readers the truths and fallacies of his topics, unavoidably, he is also trying to persuade his readers into believing as he does, from an arguably more enlightened and educated point of view. Due to the fact that the book is comprised of many …show more content…

The alliteration is lovely. The sentiment is not” (133). By using the sarcasm that he did, Shermer basically degrades his opponents arguments by making them appear less serious. Due to his sarcasm, the opposing argument loses some of its impact; it is hard to take an idea seriously when another person is making a joke to make it seem ridiculous. The use of a joke makes Shermer’s own argument seem stronger compared to the argument of that who he is

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