
Middle Ages Dbq

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Some refer to the Middle Ages as the “Dark Ages”. I could not find this more wrong. I think that even though documentation of this area is void, doesn’t automatically mean that it was void of advancements too. Today, I will use three documents: a picture of Joan of Arc, a map of the major trade routes of Afroeurasia, and an excerpt from the Magna Carta. With these I will prove that the Middle Ages were not just a Dark Age in history. To begin, we will talk about a painting of Joan of Arc. In the picture, Joan of Arc is in a suit of armor. She had a sword in one hand, and a flag that has religious figures across it. Joan of Arc helped France discover its national identity, when she heard the voice of God telling her to go and win back the city of Orleans. Many other countries discovered their national identities during the middle ages. How can you call the Middle Ages the Dark Ages when countries were discovering something that important about themselves? …show more content…

Many of them formed after the crusades occurred. The trade routes travel through Christian, Islam, and Buddhist dominated areas. This caused a lot of traditions, religious aspects, and of course, goods to spread. People began having a mixture of different religions and traditions, which also helped unite areas due to new similarities. How can you call a time in history the Dark Ages when religions and traditions were intermarrying with one another? The trade routes even brought Islam’s science and literature works to other areas, which helped spark new ideas. So as things from different regions spread, even more ideas and traditions popped up. This time was spreading great things left and

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