
Middle Class Families In The 1800s Essay

Decent Essays

During the 1800s, the social structure changed due to the Industrial Revolution. The middle class expanded. Although not all the members of this class were of the same status, they all shared the same values. They all believed in the importance of hard work and morality. One very important value was family togetherness. During this time period, middle-class families worked to preserve this family togetherness, as well as their prosperity, which they did by raising their children well. Women were more involved in maintaining family unity and the raising of children than men.
At this time, marriage was still somewhat based on the economic standing of one’s partner. Marriage was viewed by some as “a means of increasing one’s credit and one’s fortune and of insuring one’s success in this world” (Zeldin 288). However, marrying for love became much more important. Prior to the 1800s, couples were typically much farther apart in age, with the husband being much older than the wife. However, after the increase in marriages of love, couples were nearly the same age. Love and attraction eventually became the primary …show more content…

Women were discriminated against, by both the law and employers. For committing adultery, men were punished with a small fine, while women faced imprisonment. In addition, she was not allowed to manage property without her husband’s approval. (Zeldin 343) Women received half the income of men in the jobs they were allowed to enter, and were not allowed to enter respectable professions. Education of girls took a backseat, as well (Zeldin 344). Feminists called for reforms of this situation. Although progress was made when, in 1881 and 1895, respectively, two laws were made allowing women to create savings accounts and manage them without consulting their husbands (Zeldin 356), women still lacked several rights and opportunities given to

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