
What Is The Stereotype Of Hatred Toward Middle Easterners?

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In this photo a Middle Eastern woman is pointing a gun directly towards the camera, symbolizing the way she, like many others, are stereotyped in America. The picture is clear and concise, with front view and level angles that let the viewers see the struggles she has gone faced. Her face and arms display Arabic writings that symbolize the stereotypes given to them in America: terrorists, muslims, extremists, and fanatics. The picture is limited to the colors black and white to represent the seriousness of this issue. Her eyes staring directly towards the viewer causes them to feel sympathy, leading them to wonder why there is such hate towards Middle Easterners. The concepts of this picture go back to the main idea of the research question …show more content…

It ties back to the research in that people are hypocrites who think it’s okay to attack Middle Easterners and then complain that they are the threat to others.The label is the misconception of who Middle Easterners are, the truth is: most Arabs are not terrorists, most Muslims are not Arab, and many of the early Arab immigrants adjusted well in America. The news on TV decides to create a different image of Middle Easterners, warning the public that they are a dangerous and can’t be trusted. The public then thinks it’s okay to harm them, with the excuse that they look similar to the people on the news, or just because of the intense hatred that they have against them. They have a fixed mindset that leads them to believe that Middle Easterners are what social media labels them to be. Vicious murders such as the one in Manhattan proved this hostility when a Middle Eastern taxi driver was stabbed in the face and throat because his passenger discovered he was a Muslim. America has made these attacks on Middle Easterners a common threat. The feud between whether or not this group of people should stay in America now becomes a more pressing issue than just hateful comments on the internet. If the news does not begin to inform the public on the true connections, if any, that Middle Easterners have to terrorist attacks then these immigrants will never feel safe in a country that wants them

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