
Mina In Bram Stoker's Dracula

Satisfactory Essays

Van Helsing says of Mina, “She has a man’s brain—a brain that a man should have were he much gifted—and woman’s heart.” (Stoker 242). Mina seems to be the jack of all trades kind of girl. She is able to be both modest and daring. She is smart and witty. Mina is brave beyond any women in the book. She is all of those things, and yet she still is the common housewife in some sense. She takes care of Jonathan and Jonathan takes care of her. Mina plays a vital role in the vampire hunters.
Mina’s role in the vampire hunters is extremely important. Not only is she one of the main characters, but because she is brave this makes her less afraid to deal with Dracula. She want’s justice for Lucy. The men think of her as frail and unable to

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