
Misfit Vs Grandma Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout out your life you meet people that are very friendly and help others out and there are people that are selfish and care only about them and what they want. We all have or know that one person that only wants things their way. Also, on the other hand, we have that evil friend or know someone that always wants the worse for you or your surroundings. In the story “A Good Man is Hard To Find” by Flannery O Conner you get introduced to two characters The Grandma and The Misfit. The first character is The Grandma that the author introduces and starts to describe first of what kind of person she is and what she does for the family. The second character that the author introduces is The Misfit and what character he is and what he does. The Misfit and The Grandma are similar in that they are outcasts from the family and society, but they are different in how they react to being outcasts. The Misfit and The Grandma have very similar characteristics because they are both controlling. They only think about themselves they don't care about their families or their surroundings. Also, they don't listen to what people say to them; they will do anything to get it there way such as going to the Tennessee instead of Florida. In the story there is a quote where The Grandma states, “Here this fellow that calls himself the Misfit is a loose from the Federal Pin…(pg134). The Grandma uses this statement to convince her family that she wants to go Tennessee instead of Florida. The

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