
Mkt/351 Week 1 Reflection

Decent Essays

Understanding how a company creates value with customers is important for me to understand in my prospective career as an accountant. Customer satisfaction should be a focus for any organization and accountants must provide accurate records that account for inbound logistics and outbound logistics, I know that accountants are dealing more with the efficiency of the organization more than effectiveness; but I hope understanding market strategies will help me see the bigger picture of the goals and implementation. This class will benefit me by identifying terms and concerns of management, when they are communicating the values and benefits to the stakeholders within and without the company. This is only my second semester taking any type of …show more content…

Business opportunities require knowing strengths and weaknesses as well as potential threats. I need to know what type of business I work for, what type of customers they are trying to reach, and how I can be a part of the value-added output. I know the basic terms and some of the principles or rules, but I don’t really know how they fit together. In this class, I hope to have both a deeper, as well as practical understanding of how I can help marketing be effective, wherever I work. I also know that employers need to see that I can add value to the organization. I understand the outline and ideas behind SWOT analysis; but knowing how to practically think about the analysis and use it on a daily basis has to happen to be of practical value to the company. As an accountant, I will have important data to communicate to the organization; this information needs to be accurate and by knowing the marketing strategy; I will be able to communicate relevant facts that create a better understanding of both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the …show more content…

The opportunity to learn about the plan, the components and the implementation all going into motion will help me learn more about my own abilities and interests as well, I am a little nervous about my lack of understanding or messing up the group but I know I am not the only one. I know the struggle or the process of learning marketing strategy in a group project will help me experience the collaboration necessary for any organization to create, communicate and deliver. I really have not been involved at the University of Montevallo outside of my classes, the project will also help me academically and personally in connecting with others on the campus. I don’t really understand the exact topic and details of the group project, but I know the project is going to push me out of my comfort zone and I need that. Strategy involves groups of people who have different strengths and weaknesses, we will communicate different ideas, we will compromise and create work that none of us could do on our own. This type of group work will help me make connections on campus, which I do not have at the

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