
Modernization Of The Middle East

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At the start of the 18th century, Middle Eastern countries witnessed their Eastern neighbors being overtaken by Western Europe and were faced with a choice: to pick apart or to be picked apart. It was from this dilemma that defensive developmentalism emerged in the Middle East. Empires such as the Ottomans, Persia, Tunisia, and Egypt began the process of centralizing their authority in order to assert effective control over their populations. The chief goal of defensive developmentalism for these empires was to assert their autonomy, whether that be autonomy from the Ottomans in the case of Egypt and Tunisia, or from outside imperialists in the Ottoman Empire and Persia. In order to accomplish these goals, defensive developmentalists undertook extensive reforms to establish their empires as relevant worldwide powers.
Defensive developmentalists adopted extensive reforms in order to accomplish their goal of asserting their autonomy over outside forces. As the chief worry for these empires was outside penetration, military restructuring became an essential aspect to their reform. A centralized, organized military gave empires the ability to do the picking apart, or at the very least prevent from being picked apart. These modern armies were built on the basis of population, which introduced the policy of conscription to the Middle East. Coupled with military restructuring was bureaucratic reform, or a shift from mediated to unmediated states. By centralizing their authority,

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