
Module 1: Improving My Information Skills

Decent Essays

Based on what I read in the article, At sea in a Deluge of data, and from module one of our textbook I comprehend information literacy to be understanding the need for information, being able to find it from a credible source, and being able to relay the information you learn in a way that others will understand. Before reading module one, I thought information literacy was going to be a one step process or that it would cater to just one objective. What I've come to understand is that to consider yourself information literate you would have to be able to pinpoint a credible source when looking at a multitude of information, but it is not only about obtaining the information, it's also about what you do with it. Improving my information skills will help me become a critical consumer by teaching me the value of information. By learning that information is a commodity it allows me to seek out information from a reliable source. Module one talks about six Threshold Concepts. …show more content…

From Reading module one, I found that there are adults like me who are lifelong learners. Lifelong learners accept challenges as a way to learn something new. That is how I have felt while taking every course my first semester back in college. Improving my information skills will help me with my growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means I'm always looking for ways to learn new things, this means I need to have a great way to look up information and data. Having a good research plan will help me gain proper information when I am taking on something new. I also have a hard time figuring out what would be the proper question to ask during research. Improving my information skills will help me learn how to ask the right questions for my topic because I will gain insightful information that will enable me to think differently about the subject. Improving my information skills will give me the tools I need to be a successful life

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