
Morality, Religion, And Morality

Decent Essays

There are millions of people in the world who use religion as a guide to what is morally right or wrong in society. They have the perception that morality is impossible without a belief in a higher power or that religion and morality cannot be separate. On the other hand, there are also many people who believe that the only real basis for morality should be separate from a belief in a god and from religion itself. So does society really need to believe in a higher power to have morals? The answer is no for a few simple reasons. Morality is not necessarily a part of religion, nor is religion the essence of anything moral. Religion and morality can be separable in many different aspects along with the fact that not everyone who is moral is religious. Society can in fact have moral values regardless of whether a belief in a higher power is present or not.
It can be argued that someone who is religious has a higher sense of morality than someone who doesn’t practice a religion at all, but does practicing a religion make you a better person than someone who doesn’t? The world has a large number of people who do not practice any religion but still live moral lives. “Atheists and agnostics do not behave less morally than religious believers, even if their virtuous acts are mediated by different principles. They often have as strong and sound a sense of right and wrong as anyone, including involvement in movements to abolish slavery and contribute to relief efforts associated with

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