
Morrison's Bluest Eye Essay: Dying to Fit In

Decent Essays

The Bluest Eye: Dying to Fit In

Claudia MacTeer in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye looks longingly upon society from the outside. Growing up the youngest in the family as well as in a racial minority leaves Claudia feeling excluded and left out. She desires a place within the group society has formed without her. She desires to fit in and be accepted. Claudia desperately wants to experience life to the fullest. She does not want to miss out on any event. Claudia's curiosity is often her conscious motivation to get involved, but the reasons that she acts the way she does go deeper than that. Her personality and character traits make fitting in unfortunately hard to accomplish. …show more content…

Claudia's strong beliefs engender difficult interactions with others. Although mocked for her bold actions, Claudia stands up for her friend Pecola Breedlove. She yells at Maureen Peal, the most revered girl in the community and calls her "Sixfingerdogtoothmeringuepie" (73) when Maureen thoughtlessly crushes the remaining shreds of Pecola's self worth. Claudia's harsh words will, if not change Maureen, at least leave a lasting impression on her. Due to the fierce criticism and painful implications of imperfection in Claudia's words, Maureen faces thoughts that have never crossed her mind. Maureen may actually begin to wonder if she is perfect or not. Pecola, due to her hard and painful life, lacks the strength that Claudia possesses. As Pecola buckles with pain and hurt from the chronic mocking, Claudia maintains her rocklike exterior. She never reveals defeat or even pain. She watches repulsed as Pecola lets down her guard and shows her weakness. To herself Claudia thinks, "Her pain antagonized me" (73). Claudia demonstrates her strength and strong will in a number of ways. Her strength is the reason she is repulsed by Pecola's weakness. It tears Claudia apart that Pecola could be defeated so easily. Pecola's weakness reflects the true strength and power within Claudia, which distance her even more from others and force her into greater strength and independence.

As young and strong as she is, Claudia must still face frightfully painful realizations about people

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