
Most Powerful Military Budget

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Understanding The Budget of The World's Most Powerful Military
To understand the annual federal tax revenue system and the budget that is created from it is to understand a system that is deeply complicated and some would say overwhelmingly corrupt. This federal system is the reason why we have such a strong economy; from it we have funding for schools, hospitals, roads, financial aid programs, the worlds most powerful armed forces, and everything else you can think of. This is the system that keeps our country operating at such a high level and keeps our economy running at, what some would say a “stable” condition. This stability in our federal tax system is subjective, some see a system that is corrupt, that favors the few most powerful …show more content…

One of the most important parts of our defence budget and it’s positive benefits is the technological advancements that have occurred from defence funding. As stated by Andrew Beattie is his Investopedia article “military research has benefited the private economy as technological leaps and talented people flowed back and forth. Military research has been vital to the creation of microwaves, the Internet, GPS, etc. In fact, part of the reason we have drones taking wedding photos and potentially delivering packages for Amazon is that much of the expense of creating the basic technology was covered through military spending” (Beattie). Technological research that was funded by the U.S. defence budget is something that almost every country has benefited from and has impacted all of our lives in so many ways. It was funds from the national defence budget that led DARPA to invent ARPANET in the late 1980’s, which is now known all across the world as the internet and through web browser engines, it is the most powerful information and entertainment source in the world. Without the invention of the internet this very paper would be much more difficult to write, and we would never have funny cat videos to entertain us while we are …show more content…

It has rarely been an issue for the federal government to increase defence spending; while on the other hand, the fight to increase spending in federal programs to help the underprivileged and repair some of the weaker parts of our economy has always been fraught with paral. Increasing the defence budget is too easy for the federal government that they not only increase it annually but also increase it by monstrous proportions. As stated by Brad Plumer in his Washington Post article, “The United States spends far more than any other country on defense and security. Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion — and that's before accounting for the primary costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars” (Plumer). This article describes some of the ways that the defence budgets overwhelmingly increased budget is affecting our county. At the time of this article the defence budget accounted for twenty percent of the annual federal tax budget which held the largest majority of the

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