
Financial Motivation Essay

Decent Essays

30% of employees worldwide feel inspired and engaged by their careers (Entrepreneurial Insights, 2014). There are multiple theories to suggest different types of motivation, for example financial and non-financial methods of motivation. Motivation is defined as the level at which an employee feels it is OK to perform at and what encourages them to be that way (Kelley, 2015), depending on the individual will vary on the incentives that make them want to work.

There are two ways to motivate a person, either financially or non-financially. Financial motivation methods include, basic pay, increase in basic pay and bonus, whereas non-financial incentives include status, promotion, responsibility, recognition and security.

Money has become a large part in every man’s life, Maslow, a motivational theorist, set out the human needs in the form of a pyramid from their level of importance, the bottom of the hierarchy is basic/physiological needs (InnerWisdom, 2015), this is where money is needed to fulfil the basic needs (food, clothing and shelter). A basic pay rate is the starting salary/wage an individual would be on when starting with the company, they would know this before they begun their job. An increase in basic pay would motivate an employee, they would be receiving more money per hour, a reason an individual may received an increase in pay is due to promotion (non-financial incentive), this would give them the feeling of doing a good job.

A promotion gives the employee

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